Jobs in Progress 

Commited to Building Excellence

Jobs in Progress 

Commited to Building Excellence

Jobs in Progress

No project too big, no detail too small. Our organization and resources will finish the job on time and within budget. Our persistent attention to detail ensures every element is crafted beautifully. Here are the educational constructions jobs in progress.

Educational Construction Jobs in Progress

Educational Projects – Jobs in Progress

Cypress-Fairbanks ISD – Aragon and Goodson Middle School Renovations and Additions

Renovations include new flooring, new architectural casework, new science casework, new ceilings, new light fixtures, new fire alarm system, total renovations of interior restrooms including new underground plumbing, total renovations of boys and girls locker rooms including new underground plumbing, new freezer/coolers, and total re-roofs. 1 new orchestra addition at Aragon, 1 new orchestra and 1 new Weight Room addition at Goodson. New stand alone storage buildings at both schools. Start date is June 3, 2024.


Houston, Texas

Contract Amount:


Cypress-Fairbanks ISD – Cy-Woods High School Additions and Renovations

Renovations include new flooring, new architectural casework, new science casework, all new paint, all new ceilings, resurfaced gym floors, new fire alarm system, new press box finishes, all new joint sealants, parking lot re-striping, and theatrical upgrades. New additions include 2 new tennis courts, fine arts and classroom additions, new storage room additions, and 1 new stand alone storage building. Start date is June 3, 2024.


Cypress, Texas

Contract Amount:


Cypress-Fairbanks ISD – 2022 Cy-Fair High School Renovation

This project consists of a very difficult coordination to add on to and renovate CFISD’s original high school while education continues for three years. The scope includes a new athletic building, new auditorium building, new culinary building, new CTE and music additions. Renovations of the building include new science labs, fire sprinklers throughout, new fire alarm, new ceilings, new lights, new casework, etc. Start date is May 2024.


Cypress, Texas

Contract Amount:


Pasadena ISD – Transportation Center Replacement

This project consists of the replacement of all buildings, parking and service facilities for Pasadena’s existing transportation center. Start date is December 23, 2023


Pasadena, Texas

Contract Amount:


Spring ISD – Spring Momentum High School and Spring Leadership Academy Renovations

Renovate existing schools in order to transition campus to a leadership academy and a momentum high school. This is a quick one summer project. Start date May 2023.


Houston, Texas

Contract Amount:


Tomball ISD – Tomball West (Juergen Road) Elementary School

New ground up approximately 121,000 square feet elementary school.


Cypress, Texas

Contract Amount:


Cypress Fairbanks ISD – Holbrook, Holmsley & Lee

Additions and renovations to Holbrook and Holmsley Elementary Schools along with site modifications to improve onsite vehicle stacking. Lee Elementary School will receive major renovations to academic classroom areas and front entry.


Houston, Texas

Contract Amount:


Clear Creek ISD – Whitcomb Elementary Additions & Renovations

Three phase project including exterior improvements, classroom addition and full renovation to the interior finishes of the campus. Also includes upgrades to the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and technology. Start date May 22, 2022.


League City, Texas

Contract Amount:


Clear Creek ISD – James H. Ross Elementary School Additions and Renovations

The Ross Elementary Project involves a new 10,000 sq. ft. addition, major interior renovations and full replacement of existing parking and storm. Start date April 2022.


League City, Texas

Contract Amount:


Friendswood ISD – Friendswood High School Additions and Renovations

This project consists of a new performing arts center, new gymnasium and locker rooms, associated parking, new tennis building, practice facility for football and major renovations to the existing campus. The existing building will also get a new roof system. Start date April 2022.


Friendswood, Texas

Contract Amount:


Commercial Projects – Jobs in Progress

There are no commercial projects currently in progress.

Website by WizardsWebs Design LLC


24715 West Hardy Road
Spring, TX 77373

TEL: (281) 355-5151
FAX: (281) 355-1144

Monday through Friday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM


12660 Coit Road, Suite 300
Dallas, TX 75251

TEL: (972) 387-8000

Monday through Friday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM